Cooking/ Fish/ Salads/ Vegetarian

Tuna Salad(s)

I love tuna salad. Especially because it is something that you can prepare quickly, and it is filling . I do not always have cooked garbanzo beans in the freezer (canned ones are not an option for me), or the  energy to make us some veggie burgers; I do not really like chicken or meat in general (yes, you rely on Dima’s taste for most of my recipes), and I make a tuna salad as a quick and as a filling lunch. I also like to make tuna salad as an addition to Friday dinners.
So I have three recipes here: the first  that Mom makes, the second that Dima likes and the third that I prefer – but basically I prepare the salad according to the ingredients I have at home.
Although I’ve been trying to avoid any processed food since the Detox, and avoid adding mayonnaise to salads like an eggplant salad (which is one of my favorite things), I cannot eat tuna without mayonnaise.
Now I want to make a general statement in favor of those readers of my blog all around the world: In the three following recipes I use  pickles in brine. Pickles in the US are the most anemic, tasteless thing that exists. They  taste like nothing at all. I order my pickled cucumbers on Amazon, both Sadaf and Beit Hashita brands are good.

Tuna salad(s)

My mother’s tuna salad

1 scallion
5-6 stripes of roasted red bell peppers peeled
3-4 pickles
2 tablespoons  of mayonnaise
1 Tuna can
Cut the scallion and the pickles into small pieces and place in a bowl. Add the peppers.
Strain the tuna from water and add to the mixture ;add the mayonnaise and mix well.

Tuna salad(s)- My mother's tuna saladDima’s favorite (and probably Israeli’s favorite)

1 tuna can
2 tablespoons of mayonnaise
2-3 tablespoons of  canned corn
3-4  pickles
Half a small red onion
Cut the pickles into small cubes, strain the tuna from water and mix all the ingredients together.
Tuna salad(s)- Dima's favorite

My favorite

1 carrot
Half a small red onion
1 beautiful and fresh celery stem (without the leaves)
3-4 pickles
2 tablespoons of mayonnaise
1 tuna can
Cut the carrot, the onion, the celery and pickles into small cubes. Strain the tuna from water and mix all the ingredients together.
Tuna salad(s)- My favorite

Isn’t that easy? Which do you prefer? Write your comment here!
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