Cooking/ Sweets/ Vegetarian


Jewish people are divided into two main groups Ashkenazic and Sephardi; Ashkenazic are Jews who originally from Eastern\Western  European countries, and  Sephardic are  Jews who expelled from Spain in 1492, or who comes from a Middle Eastern countries.
Despite the Ashkenazi name that I got by marriage, I am not really Ashkenazic. Nevertheless, the food we have experienced at home was always varied and not just Sephardi ethnic food.
So Ashkenazic foods such as gefilte fish, or Zimmes, were acceptable on our table.
Kugel is an Eastern European dish.
The meaning of the word “Kugel” in German is a “ball” and this dish is named like that because it is baked in a round pot.
My acquaintance with it was when I was a child. Danny Strick, a close family friend, would bring it on Fridays rapped in a foil paper to my parents’ house.
My mom of course disapproved of it.  She said it is empty carbs. It must have changed over the years. Because in the last 4-5 years she started preparing it, but only on the holidays of Tishrei (like Rosh Hashanah).
As I said, I’m pregnant (my due date is already over and still no baby), and my mother came here for Rosh Hashanah. I wanted everything to be perfect for her and of course for the holiday.
My legs are so swolling, I could not prepare much. I prepared the rice, which is of course a regular dish every Friday dinner and holiday, meatballs in apples (which I have not publish the recipe yet), my favorite salmon dish, Dina’s salad, and Kugel.


  • 400 gr. of thin noodles
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 1/2 cup of vegetable oil / coconut oil
  • 4 eggs
  • 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1 tablespoon of salt
  • 1/2 cup of dried cherries / dried cranberries
  • 1 tablespoon of black pepper
  • 1/2 cup of chopped walnuts



Heat the oven to 355 F


Cook the noodles according to manufacturer's instructions and strain them without rinsing.


Mix the eggs in a bowl with the spices.


Prepare the caramel in a skillet: On medium heat mix the sugar and oil. This process requires a little patience, until the whole sugar melts into caramel. After a few minutes on medium heat, I recommend lower the hit to prevent the sugar from burning.


But don’t worry, even if you did not get a smooth caramel, its fine.


Place the cooked noodles in a bowl and add the caramel and mix quickly.


Add the eggs with spices, nuts and cranberries and continue to mix quickly.


Oil a loaf pan and pure the mixture in to it.


Bake for about an hour.


When it chilled, turn it over on a suitable tray and served it.

Happy holidays everyone!!🍎🍯

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