My Pearls Of Wisdom/ Pregnancy & Parenting/ Sharing

My Noam Is One Year Old!- How Does That Happend So Fast?

My baby Noam is one year old!!! Who believe this day will come so fast???
A whole year just passed!!! As if only yesterday my mother arrived to Milwaukee before the birth on Rosh Hashanah eve.
And besides my body that refuse to lose weight- so much has change!


First of all, I wrote a very angry post about pregnancy.
When I was pregnant, I was really angry at the illusion the people tell us about pregnancy.
Stuff like “you glow” and about how special this time is. Someone even told me I would miss being pregnant. Of course I mocked that statement. I thought it was arrogant, condescending and mostly a big fat liar.
And like a dog who pee on the floor with the tail between his legs, I’m emberss to admit that I miss (for god know what reason) to be pregnant.
There is some evolutionary reason why this happen. Maybe because if it hadn’t happened no women would have gotten pregnant for the second time.
Which is why I’m so glad I wrote the post about my pregnancy. Because I forgot about the leg cramps in the middle of the night, forgot about farts that have their own way to go out without asking me,  forgot about all the pee after every sneeze and mainly I forgot how it was hard for me to be pregnant.
And you know what? I even look at my pictures from my pregnancy, which I hated and think to myself ” I was pretty cute”.
My Baby Is One Year Old!- How Does That Happend So Fast?


I had a difficult and long child birth – or at least that’s what I wrote.
I’m still do not relate in any way to sayings like “the most amazing experience I’ve ever had”.
But somehow, in a miraculously way, my difficult experience has kind of been erased from my brain.
God actually did us a favor, and no matter how painful and even traumatic the birth experience was we don’t remember it. By the way, now, the word “traumatic” in the context of childbirth seems a terrible word – but if I wrote it back then that’s how I probably felt.
My Baby Is One Year Old!- How Does That Happend So Fast?

Housewife and a mother

To be a mom it’s the most hard job in the world. honestly.
I remember being an arrogant young woman, who thinks she knows everything.
I thought a housewife would be easy for me. Easy and boring.
Well, before we had Noam, when we got to the US, I was board. After all, I worked in two jobs in Israel, and the transition from doing a lot to doing nothing was very hard for me.
When we got here I quickly adopted Joey’s advice to Ross when he was unemployed and bored: to do every day one thing. One day laundry, one day groceries, one day cooking – to try to disperse what is on as many days as possible that the week will pass faster.
Then Noam arrived. From the moment his majesty was born we had no spear moment in the house. Every minute there is laundry to put in the machine, there are bottles to wash, there is a diaper to change, there is a child to feed and so on, etc.
To take care in a child is 24 \ 7 job. At every age there is new stage and you need to adjust it. By the time you have a certain routine with him there is suddenly a crazy development leap that devours all the cards and the routine you built changed and you need to start all over again.

First Friends- Than Parents

Parity for me is really good friendship. And as with all good and close friends, there are compromises, sometimes arguments and everything is good and normal.
A baby pushes our limits also as a couple.
But through transparency, good communication and openness to accept, the relationship will succeed to go throw that and even grow.
My dear Dima was able to suggest we get up every night together. From basic acquaintance with his wife, me, he knew she was not functioning well while she is tired. Fatigue becomes nervousness and then it becomes bitterness.
 We did that for a while, Noam developed certain routine of waking up at night that I could handle myself.
In the past few weeks, Noam is teething (he already has two! Small and crooked) and the nights have become very difficult. I don’t always wake up, and when Dima ask for help at night my reactions were unpleasant, and obviously Dima was feeling heart.
It’s true, it’s unpleasant to be criticize, but it’s even more unpleasant to feel that hurt the person you love the most – even if you react from being asleep.
So be open to criticism, accept whatever is unpleasant to hear, ask forgiveness and move forward.
In general, in my opinion, there is nothing that strengthens and brings together spouses like pregnancy and childbirth.

He supposed to be able to do that already

I admit that this section is less relevant to me because I’m with Noam at home, in the other side of the world, away from family, friends and social comparison.
My nephew was born four months after Noam. And he’s in the daycare ( like most of the babies in Israel).
My mom says that the caregiver is constantly telling my brother and sister-in-law that he suppose to be doing all kind of things.
My mom of course calling me to ask when Noam did everything.
Every kid is different and it’s OK! One will walk faster, one will sits faster, one will crawl faster and that’s fine.
As with the my recommendation of the great professors on this post just try to ignore politely.
So my Noam is one year old. And we are at the opening of a new Jewish year- Rosh Hashanah.
I don’t know if this was the best year of my life or the most significant year I’ve ever had. But this year has been the most challenging year of my life. It was full of mental and physical difficulties. It was also full of great experiences, good feelings and powerful emotions – ones I had never experienced before and these are worth everything and every moment.

Happy Rosh Hashanah my friends! 🍏🍎🍯
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