Creating/ Sharing

From Clothespins To Menorah

I have not been able to write in a long time because just so much happens in life! We have had a family from Israel visit, friends from back home stay with us for a while, and currently, we have more friends visiting and creating lifelong memories! I cannot believe how Hanukkah has arrived so fast.
I made this menorah (Chanukia) last year. We hosted some friends for the last day of Hanukkah and I wanted all the children to have their own menorah.
So, what did I do? I rolled into the “God of Pinterest” and got the next idea.


# Foil – for making the candelabrum in which the candles will stand
# Hot glue
# 18  wooden clothespins split into two


1. When the clothespins are split, glue the edges which you would press to open it with hot glue. After you glue all of the clothespins, they will be permanently open.

2. Glue the clothespins to each other on the sides with one facing up and the other facing down.
To create the main candelabrum (which in Hebrew is called a “SHAMASH”), glue two clothespins, one on top of the other. It can be placed in the middle or on the side.

3. Take a 1.5 X 1.5 in. foil and wrapped it in the bottom of the candle. Pull out the candle from the foil and you just made an impromptu candelabrum (thought about it all by myself!).
4. You should make nine of these. As you can see in the pictures, I made only eight candelabrum instead of nine. The awkward reason for that is that I needed to create 3 menorahs and I did not have enough clothespins.
Glue the candelabrum to the open clips that face up.

And your menorah is ready!! I glued the entire menorah to a straight piece of wood for added stability.  When you light the menorah, always place it on a big metal tray wrapped with foil, so if the menorah falls, nothing will happen. You can never be too careful when it comes to crafts with fire 🙂
More posts related to Hanukah:
For the story of Hanukkah is a magical story and for the sweet lakes recipe
# Baked veggie latxes recipe

Happy Hanukkah!!  ✡🕎😊
Do you have more ideas for DIY menorahs?
Share them with me! Write me here a comment, on Facebook and if you like this idea don’t forget to pin it on Pinterest.


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