Dating & Relationships/ My Pearls Of Wisdom/ Sharing

Find Your Mate

Nowadays, when there are so many applications and different sites to find a spouse, when everything is so open easy to break into, still it is difficult to find a suitable love and a mate. I thought I would share with you guys the way I did to find my love, my husband, Dima. It is an easy process that once done, it makes the search much simpler and easier.
I really wanted to be in a relationship. For some people it is easy to find one- in high school at work , during the army service. It wasn’t that easy for me. I think that my puberty was late and along with it came my wish for a mate. I have never had a problem to by myself; I like to run, paint or read. Even when I was studying for my B.A in psychology, I preferred to study alone. However, beyond theses stuff I wanted to have a suitable man. Anybody can find a spouse but I wanted to find my soul mate.
I met some men through friends of mine and I dated some nice guys and some less. Some were really weird and some really unsuitable for me.
Avi, who wasn’t really sure if he was still religious or if he has turned secular.
Tal, who was terribly stressed to have sex, get married and made me answer his calls on the spot.
Another Avi, who was a busy accountant with no real mutual interest.
Alon, who is a cheap application developer.
Eli, who was a student that had to please everyone.
Gal, who has been in therapy for 9 years and seemed interested but all of a sudden, he wasn’t. But he kept apologizing to me and I said it was o.k ; that we had only one date but he just went on apologizing until I lost my temper and said: “I don’t have to comfort you. I said it was o.k.”
Afterwards, I cried my eyes out; my self- esteem was on the ground; “I can’t be that lousy”-I thought to myself.
And then I dated another Eli who was a very stressful observant, who kept asking me these questions after the fourth date: “What will you do every Shabbat (Saturday)? Will you leave me alone?
I was shocked “And what about the kids?” He called out with tears in his eyes. I was stunned and understood he wasn’t for me; he was even more stressed out than my mom. I returned home feeling depress. I took off my dress, washed my face got into bed and prayed to G-d.
The answer arrived quite fast.

Since I got into Thetahealing I am one of those who believe in summons. If a person knows what he/she wants, then the universe/G-d/the energy of creation-everyone and his own interpretation to super power, will fulfil his wish the best way.
I sat and wrote a summon (things I want to have) about the spouse I wanted for myself. A week later a friend of mine called to tell me she found me a “groom”. I precede and say that this guy won’t be my husband but he had all the characteristics that I wrote on the page. Every part that I had written. I realized I had to write more; add more features that I wished to see in my future husband to get exactly what I was looking for. When we write, we sort of make a declaration before ourselves and before the universe. This is a real and a practical act.
My list became more sophisticated and many new details were added to it. It also helped me exclude men who didn’t have things were an important to me.
20 days after I had finish writing the list that I felt was complete and included everything that I had wanted, I didn’t know what else to add- and at that point Dima arrived.
Dima is an opinionated guy, who doesn’t believe in cosmic energy, in summoning or in bullshitting. Only here and now, when we have become to be more than a couple, but good friends, I showed him the list I wrote about him and he couldn’t believe his eyes.
So, I would like every woman who read this and wants to find love to do the following thing: write a list. But prior to this, you should dust off any criticism, being judgmental and negative thoughts.
I have two very good friends who are very witty and cynical who didn’t believe and were very stubborn, and I said “ok, you don’t have to believe, but what have you got to lose?”- needless to say, they both found love.

How to write a summon:
  • You have to use pen and paper, not a computer and to cellphone. A paper and a pen.
  • The writing should be done in the present tense only.
  • It should go like this: “all almighty, the creator of all, the magic energy of creation thank you for finding the perfect match for me..” and from that point you should continue thanking for the good qualities you wish he will have.
  • The writing should include only positive things, for example don’t write “not cheap” but “generous”.
  • A friend of mine told me “I don’t have much to ask in a man”. The opposite is true. Write as much as you can, many details.
  • Once you met the guy you had summoned, and he has the qualities on your list, but lacks things you haven’t thought about, and you don’t get along, don’t dare adding extra staff to the list. You have to create a new one with more qualities- don’t get lazy!
  • In the end of the list you should write “thank you. It is done, It is done, It is done for my best interest. Show me.”
  • Don’t forgate to write the date, so that you will know how long it will take you to find your love.

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