My Pearls Of Wisdom/ Sharing

The Life-Changing Magic of ThetaHealing

I have decided to write you guys about the method that change my life. It change my perspective on life, on people, it trurnd me into an optimistic person that attracts good and illuminated into his life- that is ThetaHealing.
The method was developed by a woman called Viana Stivel.
These are waves that function naturally in state of sleep, while dreaming, before falling asleep and waking up and in hypnosis states, etc.
during a ThetaHealing the healer transfers the patient into a state in which he is in Theta wave. This way he enables an access to the sub consciousness. In this state it is possible to identify  bad beliefs  that don’t do us good and that block us.
The healer uproots those beliefs and exchanges them with positive ones.
The experience one has while connected to Theta waves is of real serenity  and love.
I used to be a total cynical, skeptical and suspicious person who wondered why people said or did anything. I was sure that everyone had an ulterior motive.
When I studied psychology we learned  that there two different side to the humane nature; on the one hand a human being is a wild and bad creature, but in the other hand, evil doesn’t exist at all.
It seemed that I wasn’t supposed to find any Interest in a method that beliefs in “light and love”

How did I get to Theta Healing?

My first boyfriend and I broke up all of a sudden and I was totally devastated. I used to read or paint for hours but at that point I couldn’t pick myself to do anything, let alone be by myself for even one second. The feeling of not being able to be on my own was just terrible.
A good friend of mine was living abroad at the time and I used to sob over the skype for hours and she cried with me. One night as we started to speak over the skype, she told me that she had spoken to Bata, her friend, and she said that she could help me. “How”? I wondered.
The next morning I called Bata and she gave me a Thetahealing  treatment over the phone for 23 minutes, not even in person, and I felt as if I was a new person; I felt much better and said to myself that if this treatment helped me, I must learn it.

It is said in Theta ,that if something is exact ,everything will turn out exactly as it is supposed to be. So I looked for a course, which I was lucky to find out was about to open in one week, and I enrolled myself  to it. I was also lucky to have Michal Eshel Soval as my both my mentor and teacher.
All of a sudden, I felt so much better, so vital. It was the first time I believed that people are actually good, that they are basically good; that there isn’t evil or bad; that evil is actually the hole, the one who is angry or scared ; the one who needs most of all a warm, loving hug.
For the first time I believed that a new person in my life does not have to” prove” to me that he is good; that he is o.k.; that he\she wants my best interest. You might think this is a naïve, childish or immature way of looking at things but ever since then I really believe that not just I am a good person but we are all good human beings, the wonderful creatures of G-d.
For the first time in my life I felt no resentment towards anybody-I felt a sense of freedom and serenity. The intense sense of anger and resentment that left me, caused a huge void and emptiness in me. So, what can I fill my heart with now? The kitsch answer, which I would look at very sarcastically at the time, is love, light and endless warmth, which are easier to hold than resentment; they make you doubt the existence of evil ; they make you smile to yourself and to life and it will always smile back at you.
It is a great feeling to feel  both that you love and appreciate yourself and that you are loved and appreciated by others. I think we all have our more ” lighted”  moments and less lighted ones. However, once you learn to control both your conscious and subconscious and help youself comprehend and realize what makes you more” lighted”, the result would necessarily be being lighted every day of your life.


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