Beef Recipe/ Cooking/ Meat and Chicken/ Soups


In Arizona I didn’t eat cooked food very often. It was just too hot. I stuck with easy and quick meals. Salads, veggie burgers, things that do not require much preparation time, and will not make me sweat while eating or preparing.
One of the things I’m most excited about in Milwaukee is the weather. When we arrived here in the middle of April, a hysterical blizzard raged here, and as a Jerusalemite I was glad: Every kid in Jerusalem was waiting a whole night for white flakes to cover the city when the weather girl hinted there was a slight chance for snow.
Winter in Milwaukee- Stew recipe
So the next stew recipe is suit for a cold weather, I learned it from my beloved mother in law, it’s easy to make and it is absolutely delicious!


  • 4 lbs of sirloin steak
  • 4 carrots
  • 2 onions
  • 5-7 stalks of celery without the leaves
  • 1 mushroom basket
  • 4-5 tablespoons tomato paste (about 170 gr.)
  • 1 can of tomato sauce (425 grm.)
  • 1 cup of cooked chickpeas (you can use canned chickpeas instead of cooking them)
  • Half of jalapeno pepper / 1 teaspoon dry chili
  • 3 garlic cloves
  • 2 Bay leaf (optional)
  • Salt and pepper to taste



Cut the onions and fry in a pot until browned.


Cut the meat into small pieces (about 1 inch long and 0.5 inch thick), and add it to the pot. When the meat is cut into small pieces, it will cooks faster. Also, in my opinion, it is easier and more aesthetic to eat thin pieces. Mix the onion and the meat together.


Cut the carrots into cubes, slice the celery, the garlic and the jalapeno into thin slices, and when all the meat turns into grayish color, add them to the pot and mix on high heat.


After 2-3 minutes, fill the pot with water, add the tomato paste the tomato sauce and the spices and bring to a boil.


Simmer, slice the mushrooms into slices (not too thin) and add them and the chickpeas to the pot.


Cook for about an hour and a half on low heat.

Stew recipe

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