Cooking/ Fish

Moroccan Style Fish Recipe

I haven’t cook Moroccan style fish until I arrived to the US. To be quite frankly, I haven’t cook fish at all. Back in Israel, on Friday evening (Shabbat dinner) we used to eat at either my parents or Dima’s.
When we arrived to Phoenix, very quickly we understood that Friday evening without fish is not Friday evening. And a Friday with Moroccan style fish helps us feel more at home.
Moroccan style fish
There is a very Israeli issue regarding “Moroccan fish”. Today, It doesn’t have to do with Moroccan at all- in fact, most the communities in Israel eat Moroccan style fish.
And if we want to be frank, Moroccan style fish didn’t originate in Morocco (please, breathe deeply and don’t get agitated). Moroccan style fish and with it’s original, less appetizing name “Chreimeh” was originated among the Jews In Libya.  The “Chreimeh” is mostly cooked from relatively speaking, fat fish that is cooked in spicy red sauce.


3 lbs Salmon fillet
4-5 red bell peppers
1 jalapeno (optional)
1 garlic bulb (about 16 big garlic cloves)
2-3 bunches of cilantro
2 tablespoons of sweet Paprika
150 gr. tomato paste
Salt to taste (about a 1.5 teaspoons)
2 tablespoons of olive oil


1. Broiled  the red bell peppers in the oven well from both sides
2. When they are ready put them in a pot and cover them with the lid (this way it will be easier to peel them)
3. When the peppers are chilled, peel them and take the inside stuff out. Cut into strips of 1 Cm width. Don’t throw the juice in the pot we will use it later
4. Slice the  garlic cloves and the jalapeno
5. chop the cilantro
6. In a  wide pot put  spread the cilantro, the garlic, the red bell peppers, add the tomato paste, the spices and the red bell peppers liquid and 1/2 a cup of boiling water
7. cook on a high hit until boil- than simmer  for 25 minutes
8. Add the fish, and cook to until boil and then simmer for another 20- 25 minutes.


–   If there is not enough cilantro bunches  you can add one parsley bunch
– You can also roast the jalapeno instead of adding it  fresh
– Optional: You can also add dried hot chilies flakes

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